1) Calling Mayor Kenoi's office at 961-8211 and kindly ask him to secure this land now and email him at cohmayor@co.hawaii.hi.us and copy the Director of Finance, Ms. Nancy Crawford, at ncrawford@co.hawaii.hi.us and politely ask her to negotiate a fair price with the landowners, reflective of the appraisals already completed. Ms. Crawford’s phone number is 961-8234. Please thank the Mayor for his support of Kohala open space purchases in the past. If you don’t mind, please copy park4hawi@gmail.com on the email so we can track how many contacts are made. Your email address will not be used or forwarded.
2) Sign the petition on this site and like Hawi Park on Facebook. Give a positive shout out to the County and Landowners.
3) Come to the Farmers Market at 10:30 AM on Saturday December 20th and we'll take a photo of supporters and forward it to the County. We'll have complimentary coffee and muffins to ward off the chill. Have your morning coffee under the Banyans Tree.